Publisher's Forum
Publisher's Forum takes place ONLINE on Thursday July 1, 2021.

Gbemi Shasore
is the Executive Publisher of Quramo Publishing Limited, an indigenous media company dedicated to producing quality content for its diverse audience. In a bid to contributing to the publishing industry, Gbemi Shasore established the Quramo Writers’ Prize, which honours new, emerging and unpublished writers, and Qfest (a festival of words), which encourages human interaction, literary expression and creative growth.
Gbemi Shasore has authored several books, which include In Her Own Right, Our Money Our People and The Money People, published by Quramo Publishing Limited.
As a creative and a longtime patron of the arts, in 2010, she conceived and produced the epic and well-received stage play Ajai – The Boy Slave and has produced other stage productions to her credit since then: Ajai – The Boy Slave 2; A Past Came Calling and The Write to Freedom. She is also the Chief Executive Officer of Quramo Productions and the executive producer of the movie titled Journey of an African Colony, currently on Netflix.
As an advocate for the girl-child/women empowerment, Gbemi Shasore is an ambassador of The Olave Baden-Powell Society(OB-PS), which supports girls and young women to develop their full potential as leaders and active citizens of the world. She is also a member of the Committee Of Wives Of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO) and a past chairperson of the annual conference committee.v
She is happily married with children and lives in Lagos
I will be discussing
Insights Into Being A Publisher
Thursday July 1, 2021 — 3-4pm